Tuesday, December 23, 2008


I haven't a clue why I haven't been on this thing. It's like my mind has been everywhere with the things going on in my life. There are the kids, hubby, of course, the constant editing and re-editing and polishing of my complete novels, and, now, I'm trying to complete Bare Naked by a certain deadline. I find deadlining myself with all tasks in my life, even down to the smallest things like, cleaning up and bathing the kids, help me to keep it altogether.
There is so much I can write, so much I would like to, but somehow, I find that my 'blog neglect' has something to do with something deeper going on in my life. I guess I'll stop for now. Funny for a person who always have something to say, and even more to write.
Until I pull myself to write something interesting, God Bless you all!

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