Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Jezebel I Was

If a man can't love you for you, run! Even though my story is a little different, from the first line, I just thought I'd share.
I used to be the most conniving, decietful female ever. With the gift of reading people, before dating I would mold myself to be whatever the man I so desired was into. I may have not been the finest or the most popular, but I would always draw men in with conversation, causing most I've ever dated to think that they were in love with me, never truly finding out that they were in love with the image I portrayed myself to be. I can see us spending our lives together, I want you to have my baby-all in casual conversation! Hello? Am I missing something. So when I was no longer interested, assuming he was the only one at the time, I would slowly but surely bolt. (In actuality, I think I've only really been in love twice, and the one that I cherish, in the beginning, was on the account of having the best sex I've ever had...just being honest).
Although I did feel bad for vain arrows that were shot, love was a great game that I couldn't get enough of. I loved that men fell for me the way they did...until it back-fired...bad...and years after that I met my match...I was like God isn't it bad enough that my game back-fired, then I still had to have a run-in with the devil in cuff-links. You truly do reap what you sow, and man it sucks being on the other side of the railroad.
And through all that, sometime ago, I realized that I never really knew who I was for bending over backward to please a man in things I wasn't even interested in. So not to bore anyone, but it's my blog so...a little about the woman I am today:
Humorous and loves to laugh the same
Spontaneous (Though, I've pulled back some-lol)
A reader who dwells in the art of words
Loves to talk with someone who knows how/ lol
Days of dressing like a slut are over
Very opinionated
Designer (Someday I'll do something with it)
Loud (naturally) but Quiet (when I don't yet know what to think of a person)
Well this small list was more for me then the less than 1 percent of people that may actually read this. So cool beans...Also the old me is almost a mirror image of the herione in one the books I'm working on, Jezebel She Was. TTYL.

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